What to Pray For

We feel that God is leading us to pray for the students and school employees at every public, private, charter school and college. The need for God to move in our schools is greater than it has ever been and daily growing worse. All Christians need to take a stand and pray for the schools in their community whether it's the public school and/or college or religious private school and/or college. We need to help those student and employess that are taking a stand for God and lift them up for prayer. It doesn't matter your background, ethenic group, or denomonation you were raised up in. We are calling out ALL Christians to stand against the attack of the enemy to our schools and the future of the church and world. 

Topics to Pray For

Pray for the following:
    the saftey of the school and the one inside the school
    Christian employees - to encourage them and stand out in the darkness
    Christian students - to encourage them and stand out in the darkness
    Superintendent/President - that he/she leads the school in the right direction
    emotion bondage and walls to be broken for all those carrying the bondage

Pray against the following:
    the attack of the enemy
    thought of suicide
    the bondage of drugs, alcohol, and sex
    Terroristic attacks - inside and outside the student body

Pray for all the churches, college pastors and youth pastorts - to be that leader and the one that points to God in any situation and are lead by God to lead not only their church but the city out of bondage.