Who is Project School Zone

Project School Zone was started by Self Ignition Ministries to encourage everyone to get involved not in just one school or the school they attend or their family attends. We want you to get involved with every school that you drive by or walk by. Not only are we wanting people to get involved that are out of school, but those that are attending school. Pray for your school and the schools around your town. 

The purpose of Project School Zone is when you drive or walk by a school, you say a prayer for that school while going through the School Zone. We want this to not just be during school, but late at night, on the weekends and even during the summer.

We have a few thing we feel God laid on our heart to pray for as we drove through the school zones. Click Here to go to that page. Please join with us and encourage others to get involved in our local schools and colleges.

Click Here to go to Self Ignition Ministries' website.